Requires the ldc-google library.
Converting repository clone into pretrain text#
The following converts only Python files of a local repository clone into a pretrain text file:
ldc-convert \
-l INFO \
from-gitingest-pt \
-l INFO \
--input "/some/where/local/myrepo" \
--include_pattern "*.py" \
to-txt-pt \
-l INFO \
--output "./output/myrepo.txt"
Converting remote repositories into pretrain text#
The following converts all files apart from Markdown and reStructured Text ones of two remote repositories into pretrain text files:
ldc-convert \
-l INFO \
from-gitingest-pt \
-l INFO \
--input \
"" \
"" \
--exclude_pattern "*.md" "*.rst" \
to-txt-pt \
-l INFO \
--output "./output/"